My mom usually calls me using
Skype. Now do not - I repeat, do not - assume that she's all tech type ultra modern mom. Actually, she's quite the opposite, it's just I managed to teach her how to turn on the PC, wait till
Skype logs in and - I've enabled auto
login feature - and then push the "call" button if the little icon next to my name appears in green. That's all she knows to do with a computer. Nothing more, nothing less. If anybody disabled auto
login, for whatever the reason, the next time she turns on the PC she might just wait forever for
Skype to
login. I wish that that would never happen.
Anyway, last night we were having a chat and she wanted to see me. There was a problem with my
webcam, so it hasn't been working for few weeks now.
OK then, send me a photograph of yours. A recent one.How?What do you mean how? Just send it.*Surprise*
Mom, you know how to save it and open and all that?Err... I don't know. The last time your brother was in he showed some pictures of you. I just had to click the "next" button and I could go through them all.Mom, that's Facebook!Just imagine teaching her to
login to
FB and view my albums, while I'm here at the other end. Impossible.
That's not going to do. If I send you a file, can you save it and see?If you tell me how to do that, I can.*Sigh*
All right.Pick up the webcam and show me your screen.*She moves the
Righ. OK a bit to the left. Up, up, Enough.Then I dragged a photo and dropped it onto the chat window.
Now click the little orange bar in the taskbar?Where?*Sigh*
See there is a blue long bar at the bottom of the screen? There you see a little rectangle blinking orange and blue right? Click that.Ah I see. OK done.OK accept and save it.Umm... how do I do that?Just click the accept button.OK done. It says now... save... shall I click it?Oh yeah mom, click it. The computer won't blow up if you click the wrong button!Easy for you to say. Oh my god, a large window opened!(That's the "save" window, by the way)
So, this went on and on and on like that...
Finally, after so much effort we managed to transfer a photo of me, one which was a little over 40KB but it took close to fifteen minutes for this. Sending a file is a very
complex procedure, you know.
Finally she sees it.So how do I look mom, handsome guy noh?Hmm... yeah, sudu welada?Pissuda hallo, maawa sudu karanna makala aayeth paint karanna thama wenne.OK OK send me some more, I want to see more. See it wasn't difficult ne.*Gasping*
Oh no no no mom, that's enough! I'll tell aiya to show you the rest when he comes home next!These moms, I tell you...
After that, I get a new friend request from some girl. Usually, I accept them all. Treating everyone equally or something, I just don't reject. But this time I was surprised. She has some pictures, and supposedly she's 16, but I have no idea who she is. Besides, the strangest thing is, I'm the ONLY friend in her friend list! I mean,
WTF? If you create your
FB account and the first friend you add is someone you don't know? Who does that? I have every good reason to believe that this is a prank by one of my very nice friends. I've got a bunch of them you know.
Also, I usually stays invisible in
FB chat. I hate
FB chat. The next thing she does is, she writes on my wall:
"come online why u afraid for me?"Seriously, what's with girls these days? If it's a girl that is.
Working on Saturdays is a bitch. I had to work
yesterday, and it's killing you when you have to work on a Saturday. Because, when I get back to my apartment it's usually close to 8 p.m., and after staying awake till 2 a.m., usually you get up at noon the next day. And then the Sunday goes by even before you know it and back to work Monday!
OK fellas, have a good weekend, thought already one day is gone by!