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Home Sweet Home

Friday, July 17, 2009

This and That...

Today's my last day at my current workplace, the head office of our company, which is very close to Tokyo. We're moving to a new location and start work there from Tuesday. Packing and unpacking is always a bitch, but no complaints this time though. Because, to and from my current workplace it takes about two and a half hours everyday which will be reduced to like thirty to forty minutes from Tuesday. Who can complain? Also there are a lot of Sri Lankans there in the new place, so a lot to look forward to.


Tomorrow I'm hoping to go to a fireworks festival. No not a festival organized by Adobe Fireworks, but a real one where they set up all kinds of fireworks so... err... people can watch. These Japs have too much money I tell you. But it's kind of nice too. Must take some photos.


Does anyone of you play BarnBuddy on Facebook? It's fun isn't it. Only, it takes too long to move from one level to another so I cheated and created another couple of accounts. Now I'm moving ahead much faster. Also stealing is fun baby. Specially if they have a dog and still you manage to steal a couple. Ha!


Oh and almost forgot. Sunday, I'm hoping to make my first class cricket debut in Japan. Bah. OK OK not really, but I met some guys here who play leather ball cricket so gonna join them and play a game or two. Hell it's been thirteen years since I last played a hard ball game, and would be lucky to get a few runs under my belt. Still, think I will enjoy it. Wish me luck people.


Alright then, gotta go.
Happy weekend fellas!



  1. cool! :D I didn't know that Japan had first class cricket... or was that a joke? :)

  2. Gah, why do I have to explain my jokes everytime?

  3. ooops sorry Sach! that was just me being a bit tubelight! hehe ;D

  4. Hahhaa no prob dude... was just kidding...

  5. Remember to wear the ballguard properly. I would have lost my crown jewels to the second ball I faced in Japan, if not for the protection.


  6. I will keep that in mind, Solomon.
    Glad you still have yours intact. Or do you?

  7. hehe good stuff mate.. Cricket in Japan? that's sounds interesting and good luck with the new work place Cheers ! =)

  8. Ya Sach, your jokes sure sounds quite serious. -__- hehe.. *I'm half kidding* =D

    And cool to hear about fireworks show, *not the adobe fireworks*, and yep, pics please. =D

    oh and do enjoy your debut game too..!

  9. PS: Enjoy your new work place too! =D
